Australian Dostoevsky Society
Vladiv-Glover, M.(Fellow) School of Languages, Literature, Cultures and Linguistics Activity: External Academic Engagement › Professional association or peak discipline body
Vladiv-Glover, M.(Fellow) School of Languages, Literature, Cultures and Linguistics Activity: External Academic Engagement › Professional association or peak discipline body
The President and members of the Australian Dostoevsky Society note with sadness the passing of Prof. Dr. Horst-Jürgen Gerigk on February 9, 2024 in Heidelberg, at the age of 86. Horst-Jürgen Gerigk was professor of Russian Literature and General Theory of Literature at the University of Heidelberg. He was a founding member of the International Dostoevsky Society, its President from 1998 to 2004, and thereafter its Honorary President till 2018. From 1999 to 2018, he was the Managing Editor of Dostoevsky Studies. He left a lasting legacy in Dostoevsky research with many publications, notably his groundbreaking monograph on Dostoevsky’s The Adolescent, which set the foundations for the hermeneutic trend in the analyses of Dostoevsky’s opus.
The President and Members of the Australian Dostoevsky Society note with sadness the passing of Professor Dr. Rudolf Neuhäuser, who was a founding member of the International Dostoevsky Society and its President from 1989 to1995. Professor Neuhäuser’s career in teaching Russian literature, among other Slavic subjects, began in Canada. He was professor at the University of Western Ontario, London, Canada from 1966 to1975. He was invited to be professor of Slavic literature at the Institut für Slawistik, University of Klagenfurt, where he taught from 1975 to 2001. He was professor emeritus from 2001 onwards. Professor Neuhäuser will be remembered for his groundbreaking study on Dostoevsky and Romanticism as well as his leadership in the IDS and generous mentoring of younger scholars.
“The ADS notes with sadness the passing of Professor Robert Louis Jackson (1924-2022), co-founder of the IDS and NADS and long-time professor of Slavic at Yale University. He is remembered fondly for his kindness and generosity to colleagues on far-away shores.”
It is with sadness that the Editors of The Dostoevsky Journal: A Comparative Literature Review, together with the Executive of the Australian Dostoevsky Society, note the passing, on Sunday, November 28, 2021, of the American Dostoevsky scholar, Deborah Martinsen.
Deborah was a long-time President and Executive Secretary of the International Dostoevsky Society, as well as an editor of Dostoevsky Studies – the official organ of the Society. She was a student of the late Robert Belknap at Columbia University and carried on his legacy with her innovative work in Dostoevsky research, which had resonance right around the world, including the postgraduate scene in Australia. Her ground-breaking study Surprised by Shame represents a lasting legacy to her scholarly acumen. Remembered with fondness by Slobodanka Vladiv-Glover